HDHearts Erythritolcrop

Zero-calorie sweetener erythritol linked to higher risk for heart attack and stroke

March 21, 2023
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
According to recent research, the popular sugar replacement called erythritol is linked to stroke, heart attack and even death.

Edward Hospital among first in nation to use innovative technology to treat aortic stenosis

March 13, 2023
Edward Hospital, known as a regional and national leader in cardiac innovation, was selected as one of the nation’s first hospitals to use...

What’s the right heart health test for me?

March 08, 2023
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Heart disease is often a "silent" disease without symptoms or warnings until an event, such as a heart attack or stroke.
HDHearts 5thingsheartattacksblogcrop

5 things you need to know about heart attacks

March 01, 2023
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Our experts appeared on ABC7 Chicago's Windy City Live to talk about how to prevent cardiovascular disease and help others.

Food as fuel before, during and after a workout

February 24, 2023
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
As you get ready to hit the gym or running trail, don’t forget to feed your body to give it the fuel it needs before, during and after your workout.
HDHearts Bessler Nap Half

Full recovery from heart surgery celebrated by crossing the finish line

February 09, 2023
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Read Scott's story of recovery from heart surgery after a heart valve infection spread to his brain, causing a stroke and meningitis.
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