Implantable wireless cardiac monitor a “game changer”

October 06, 2015
Elmhurst Hospital first in region to implant the smallest-available wireless cardiac monitor.

What to do the night before the marathon

October 05, 2015
These tips will get you in shape the day and night before the big race.

Newborn screenings find and treat problems early to keep babies healthy

October 02, 2015
Every mom wants her baby to be healthy. All states require babies to be screened at birth, and for good reason.
Matthew Reven

How a health screening saved an Aurora man's life

October 01, 2015
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Matthew Reven, a trim, 56-year-old former Marine, didn’t imagine a free stroke and vascular screening would lead to the diagnosis of a large,...

7 misconceptions about prostate cancer every man should know

September 30, 2015
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in men. Read 7 misconceptions about prostate cancer that all men should know.

How do we save a heart attack victim?

September 29, 2015
Record “door-to-balloon” time at Elmhurst Hospital saves Lombard man having heart attack.
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