Preparing for cardiac surgery

In the days leading up to your surgery you will be scheduled for a one-on-one pre-admission testing and education session.  At this visit you will have all necessary pre-operative testing done as well as meet some of the team members who will care for you after surgery. 

Patient guides

During the pre-operative testing, you will receive a patient guidebook for your specific cardiac surgery. It will describe what to expect before, during and after surgery. Links to the electronic copies below are meant to be used as a back-up.

The guidebooks below are labeled by hospital. Please only review the guidebook that applies to the hospital where you are scheduled to have surgery, i.e. review the Elmhurst patient guidebook for surgery at Elmhurst Hospital and the Edward patient guidebook for surgery at Edward Hospital, as there are slight but important differences between the two programs.

Discharge instructions

Edward Hospital discharge video

Dr. Foy explains what to expect after surgery and provides friendly reminders on what to do once you are home.

Elmhurst Hospital discharge video

Dr. DaValle explains what to expect after surgery and provides friendly reminders on what to do once you are home.