Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at Linden Oaks provides employers with the opportunity to offer employees and their family members immediate affordable resources to solve personal or work-related problems that may be affecting job performance. 

Specifically, we provide short-term counseling, legal/financial assistance and life event case management in order to address issues that are of concern to the employee and/or to their family members.

Problems may involve:

  • Substance abuse
  • Disability and illness
  • Family or marital issues
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Adjustment disorders
  • Parenting issues
  • Recent death of a loved one
  • Other life-related changes

For more information about services or to become part of our employee assistance program network contact: 331-221-2515 or or email us.

EAP Core Services

Employee and Immediate Family Services

Short Term Counseling. Access to mental health support including a confidential mental health assessment and free short-term counseling sessions for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, anger management, and other mental health issues.

Life Event Case Management. Connection to community resources including assistance with housing, caregiving, and health issues and a network of support groups.  

Employers and Manager Services

Staff Education and Training. Experts provide educational sessions covering a variety of topics including mental health first aid, substance abuse, depression/anxiety and stress management

Crisis Response. On-site support when tragedy strikes at a workplace. We provide information, support, and resources for those impacted by violence, trauma and/or serious loss.

Health E-newsletter. Access to an e-newsletter which details mental and physical health benefits for employees.

Health Aware Screening Tools. Our on-line health aware tests provide a quick analysis of mental and physical health and suggested next steps. Links are available for your portal as well.

Employee Behavioral and Performance Support. We connect employees with behavioral or performance related issues with counseling services.

Utilization Reports. Reporting about the use of services by employees.