Vegetarians and vegans: How to keep your diet healthy - Ep. 20

August 16, 2021
Categories: Physical health
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Generally speaking, plant-based eating is a lack of animal protein in the diet. Instead, nutrition comes from sources such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and grains.

In a way, we are what we eat. Eat junk and you’ll feel like junk. Eat healthier and you’ll notice the difference in your energy level and overall well-being. Is it healthy for kids to eat vegetarian diets? Yep.

Plant-based diets have enormous health—and environmental—benefits.

There are layers to plant-based diets. They can be broken down into vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian – the levels can vary quite a bit.

So how do you make the transition to a plant-based diet (and how do you choose which one to follow)? Say you want to go plant-based but are worried about missing meat. Or you don’t know where to start. Maybe you’re picturing boring plates of lettuce for dinner every night.

In episode 20, host Mark Gomez, MD, and his guests, Amish Doshi, MD, and Christine Doshi, MS, RD, LDD, discuss the benefits of plant-based diets and offer practical tips on to get started.


Myths vs. Facts

“Vegetarians and vegans cannot get enough protein on a plant-based diet.” - Myth
It’s a concern if you don’t plan your meals, but if you read labels and consult with a registered dietitian, it’s possible to get enough protein without eating meat.

“Hitting daily Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) with a plant-based is difficult to do.” – Myth
Meal planning will ensure you include all the vitamins and nutrients you need.

“Plant-based eating can be one of the best ways to steer clear of the processed junk found in the Standard American Diet.” – Fact
Plant-based eating is beneficial in many ways and can become a lifestyle.

Plant-based diets are high in carbs.” – Either
Some sources of plant-based protein include carbohydrates. But that doesn’t make them unhealthy. Choose high-quality carbs like sweet potatoes and oatmeal over Oreos and processed white bread.

“Eating a plant-based diet will leave you hungry all the time.” – Myth
Incorporating protein will help you feel full longer.

“Plant-based eating is not any more expensive than other diets. In fact, swapping out meat with plants may save you some money on your grocery bill.” – Fact
Beans and lentils provide protein and are significantly less expensive than meat.

“Plant-based eating is too restrictive.” – Myth
If people pursue a plant-based diet with an open mind and try new things, it doesn’t have to be restrictive. You can find a plant-based replacement for any meat-based dish.

“Some calcium-rich plant-based foods include broccoli, dark leafy greens, tempeh, tofu, tahini, almonds and black beans.” – Fact
They’re all good sources of calcium.

Listener healthy OH-YEAH!

“I have turned to more of a plant-based diet and 4-day a week workout; feeling great!” – V.T.

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