Hand therapy

Hand therapy is a specialty practice area of occupational therapy with the goal to return you to full participation in your daily activities. Our certified occupational therapists have advanced clinical skills to identify your specific needs and challenges for return to pre-injury functional status.

Our occupational therapists with specific training in hand therapy provide the following services:

  • Edema control after hand injury
  • Injury prevention
  • Joint protection training
  • Pain management
  • Scar remodeling
  • Stretching and strengthening programs
  • Wound care related to the hands
  • Ultrasound, electrical stimulation, dry heat whirlpool and other treatment modalities

Custom splinting

We provide custom hand splinting/bracing to maximize your healing process, using the latest techniques and the most appropriate splint for your diagnosis. Splint options include dynamic splints, static splints and prefabricated splints. Custom splinting is provided with an order from the doctor and splints are typically fabricated on the same day as the evaluation.

Learn more about occupational therapy at Edward-Elmhurst Health.

Learn more about orthopedics at Edward-Elmhurst Health.