Body procedures


Diet and exercise are important, but sometimes certain areas of the body fail to respond the way we’d like.

Lipo removes localized fat from stubborn areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, back and arms.

Mommy makeoverimage-mommy

For moms who are struggling with their post-pregnancy figure.

A Mommy makeover is a combination of body contouring procedures that usually includes a tummy tuck and a breast lift with possible augmentation.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)image-tummy

A tummy tuck removes loose skin from the lower abdomen, tightens the muscles, and narrows the waistline. Sagging or bulging fat pockets (love handles) may also be addressed with liposuction.

A "mini" tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen via a limited scar and is indicated in patients with smaller amounts of excess skin in this area.

Body contouring after massive weight lossimage-contouring

Body contouring involves removal of extra skin and fat as well as the repositioning of sagging skin to improve the appearance of different areas of the body such as the arms, abdomen, breasts, chest, back, buttocks and thighs.

Men or women who have loose skin after significant weight loss often choose this option.

Butt, arm & thigh liftsimage-lifts

A butt lift recontours the butt by removing excess skin and fatty tissue. The procedure is often combined with a back lift, thigh lift or tummy tuck. It may also be combined with fat injections to improve the contour of the buttocks.

An arm lift or brachioplasty improves the contour of the arms by removing excess skin and fatty deposits.

A thigh lift improves the contours of the thighs and reduces sagging by removing excess skin and fatty deposits.