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Search results for anxiety

Page 7 of 23 | Results 61 - 70 of 222

Marijuana: a gateway drug that keeps growing stronger

Marijuana is no longer a “safe” drug. It’s addictive, and it can have long-term mental and emotional consequences.

8 ways to overcome fixated thoughts

Ever have a worried thought or image repeat in your head? When thoughts become obsessive or all-consuming, it can be distressing and disruptive.

Social media and teens: Finding balance

As more teenagers have turned to social media, they've became more emboldened in their comments or actions.

Stop suicide: What are the warning signs?

Roughly every 11 minutes, someone in the United States dies by suicide. Knowing and acting on the warning signs of suicide can be lifesaving.

Why you may be short of breath and how to handle it

Having a difficult time catching your breath? You may be experiencing dyspnea.

Tidying up: when clutter takes its mental toll

If the clutter in your life is sapping your mental energy, here are four steps to start tackling it.

How to know if your child has Asperger’s

How can you tell if your child is displaying signs of autism? Learn features of Asperger’s in kids.

How to cope after a tragic event

News about a mass shooting can bring on shock, horror or disbelief, and, sadly, these incidents are becoming more frequent—and closer to home.

How to not be a helicopter parent

Do you hover over your child and then rescue them whenever trouble arises? There’s a difference between being an over-involved parent and an...

Could you have fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder, is hard to describe.

Page 7 of 23 | Results 61 - 70 of 222