
Misty L. McNeill, D.P.M.

Misty L. McNeill, D.P.M.
Podiatric Surgery
Weil Foot and Ankle Institute, LLC
Hospital Affiliations:
Elmhurst Hospital
Clinical Interests:
Foot And Ankle Trauma/Injury; Foot and Ankle Surgery; Plantar Fasciitis; Sports Medicine; Pediatrics

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This provider is an independent medical practitioner who has been permitted to use the hospital's facilities and to exercise his or her independent medical judgment in the care and treatment of his or her patient.


Philosophy Of Care

At Prairie Path Foot & Ankle Clinic, we treat all of our patients the way we would want our own family to be treated. We have a state of the art facility with on-site digital x-ray, diagnostic ultrasound and MLS laser therapy housed in our warm, inviting office where our patients can truly feel at home. Our friendly staff welcomes our patients and listens to their needs, and our doctors bring a personal touch to every patient they see, taking the time to fully understand. We see all patients, from 1 to 101, and treat all types of foot and ankle needs, from fractures and sprains to heel pain, to bunions and hammertoes. We are here to take care of you and your family.

Education & Credentials

Education: Dr William Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine, 2000

Internship: Hines V.A.Hosp., Maywood, IL, 2001

Residency: Loyola University Medical Center, 2003

Society: American Podiatric Medical Association; IL Podiatric Medical Association


Podiatric Surgery


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Learn more about insurance coverage verification and Endeavor Health Medical Group’s accepted insurance plans.