
Vamsi V Alli, MD

Alli Vamsi
General Surgery
Endeavor Health Medical Group
Hospital Affiliations:
Edward Hospital
English, Spanish, Telugu
Clinical Interests:
Splenectomy; Vasectomy; Abdominal Pain; Appendectomy; Endoscopic Surgery; Gallbladder disease; Gastroesophageal Reflux; General Surgery; Lymphoma; Minor Surgery; Polypectomy; Sigmoidoscopy; Abdominal Surgery; Cholecystectomy; da Vinci Robotics; Endoscopy; Esophageal Surgery; Gallbladder Surgery; Gastrointestinal Diseases; Hemodialysis; Hernia Surgery; Laparoscopic Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Obesity; Peritoneal Dialysis; Reconstructive Surgery; Sterilization

This provider is an employee of one of the Edward-Elmhurst Health System entities.



Philosophy Of Care

Vamsi V. Alli, MD, FACS is the System Medical Director of Surgical Quality and Abdominal Wall Surgery and a practicing Advanced Gastrointestinal, Bariatric & Minimally Invasive Surgeon at Edward-Elmhurst Health. Dr. Alli is an expert at restoring the abdominal wall and dealing with recurrent hernias and complications of prior repairs. Recognizing this, he was recruited to Edward-Elmhurst to bring world-class hernia care to the western suburbs. His practice of surgery is at the forefront of modern surgical care, and he is passionate about restoring abdominal wall function and patients’ quality of life through surgical treatment. In addition to being a minimally invasive robotic surgeon, Dr. Alli is highly skilled in laparoscopic and endoscopic surgical procedures. He tailors his operative plan and approach to each patient and their specific goals. He has additional interests and experience in surgical diseases of the foregut (esophagus and stomach) as well as management of weight loss through both surgical (bariatric surgery) and using the endoscopic methods (endoscopic bariatrics including endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty and intragastric balloon therapy). Dr. Alli comes to Edward-Elmhurst Health after a decade of experience as an academic surgeon. He previously served as an Associate Professor and the Assistant Program Director for one of only two Abdominal Wall Surgery Fellowship (complex hernia) training programs in the nation. He has served as a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery and has contributed to the development of multiple surgical guidelines including those for splenectomy and laparoscopy during pregnancy. Dr. Alli has authored over 75 peer reviewed publications and multiple book chapters. Recognized for his expertise, he has chaired international surgical panels, taught surgical courses, and is an active collaborator on international research groups. Dr. Alli is active in device development and surgical device studies, most recently implanting an investigational neuromodulatory device for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, the third of its kind in the US.

Education & Credentials

Education: Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, 2008

Internship: Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, 2009

Residency: Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, 2015

Fellowship: Penn State College of Medicine, 2017


General Surgery


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