Make every month Heart Month

February 24, 2020 | by Mary Lou Mastro
Categories: Healthy Driven Hearts

February is American Heart Month.

Every February—year-round, really—health organizations try to raise public awareness of heart disease and how individuals can lower their risk.

Despite the abundance of information available on healthy living and prevention, heart disease is still the leading cause of death for all Americans.

So many of these deaths could be prevented with healthier lifestyle choices.

Think about yourself for a moment. Are you looking to make some healthy changes? Don’t wait to put your plan into action! Try these tweaks:

I’ve spent the last year advocating for greater awareness of heart disease and prevention while serving as the Chair of the American Heart Association’s 2019-20 Chicago Go Red for Women® campaign with Gina Sharp, President and CEO of Linden Oaks Behavioral Health, as co-chair. We just wrapped up the campaign by hosting the Go Red for Women Executive Luncheon in Chicago, which featured an inspiring video telling the story of our own Cathy Smith, system director of cardiovascular services, and her experience with heart disease.

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women, claiming the life of one woman every 80 seconds. Chairing Go Red for Women fit with our personal goals of raising awareness of heart disease risk among women and nudging women to take charge of their own physical and mental health.

Heart disease is something everyone should have on their radar. Besides regular check-ups with your doctor, make time for self-care such as yoga, a walk around the neighborhood, meditation, even a relaxing, healthy meal with a friend. The more you can reduce your stress, the better your physical health will be.

Make every month Heart Month! Make your health a priority.

Learn more from Healthy Driven Chicago:

Exercises for a healthier heart

10 tips for eating heart healthy


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